Higher minimum wage doesn’t cut poverty (Opinion)

Higher minimum wage doesn’t cut poverty (Opinion)
- February 2, 2014
- Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor and Center for Economics & Public Policy director, is featured in the Orange County Register February 2, 2014
From the OC Register:
Republicans continue to puzzle over how to champion upward mobility without sidelining
public policy. Democrats, meanwhile, used the anniversary to renew a push for a higher
minimum wage. On a gut level, that approach seems intuitive. Higher wages mean less
poverty, right? Unfortunately, it's not that easy. Hiking the minimum wage turns out
to be the least-effective way to try reducing poverty. As economists from UC Irvine
and the Federal Reserve have shown, in a 2008 review of research on the issue, nearly
all studies have found that poverty is either unaffected – or actually increased –
by higher minimum wages.
For the full story, please visit http://www.ocregister.com/articles/minimum-599779-wage-poverty.html (online subscription required).
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