Obama seeks minimum wage hike with mic and pen

Obama seeks minimum wage hike with mic and pen
- January 28, 2014
- David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor and Center for Economics & Public Policy director, is featured on National Public Radio, January 28, 2014
From NPR:
Critics argue raising the minimum wage will simply force employers to hire fewer
workers or shorten their hours. David Neumark is an economist who studies the issue
at the University of California, Irvine. David Neumark: “The minimum wage creates
winners and losers. Obviously, if you keep your job and/or you don't have your hours
reduced, you're obviously making more money. And that's a good thing. But there is
some job loss associated with minimum wage increases. And it falls on, of course,
the people we are trying to help, these skilled low-wage workers.”
Full transcript unavailable. Audio link is available at http://www.npr.org/2014/01/28/267797267/obama-seeks-minimum-wage-hike-wi....
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