Deportations still high, but ICE numbers suggest first slowdown in years

Deportations still high, but ICE numbers suggest first slowdown in years
- December 18, 2013
- Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and political science professor and Center for the Study of Democracy director, is quoted by Southern California Public Radio December 18, 2013
From Southern California Public Radio:
Last year, a record-breaking 409,849 immigrants were removed from the United States.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has yet to unveil its deportation numbers
for all of fiscal year 2012, which ended Sept. 30, but ICE numbers released through
Sept. 7 suggest a downward trend: 343,020 immigrants removed since last Oct. 1, when
the fiscal year began…The seeming slowdown this year points to a few factors, for
starters, that “they’re running out of the easy cases" as more people with some kind
of criminal offense are targeted and deported, said Louis DeSipio, a political scientist
at UC Irvine.
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