As China's one-child policy fades, new challenges lie ahead

As China's one-child policy fades, new challenges lie ahead
- November 27, 2013
- Wang Feng, sociology professor, is quoted in The Christian Science Monitor and Yahoo! News November 27, 2013
From The Christian Science Monitor:
By promising to relax its “one child policy” the Chinese government has sounded the
death knell for one of its most unpopular edicts, demographers here and abroad agree.
“This marks the beginning of the end of the one-child policy,” says Wang Feng, a population
expert at the University of California, Irvine. “But they don’t want to go over a
cliff so they’ll do it a step at a time.” …“China has changed,” says professor Wang,
as young parents weigh the costs of raising a second child. “The economic consequences
of having children in China is very much the same as elsewhere in East Asia,” he points
out, “and there is a strong regional culture of wanting children to be successful,”
which is easier to ensure if parents can concentrate their time and money on just
one child.
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