From Being Latino:
As Latinos, we all have different histories but one of our common threads is our language. According to a U.S. Census report, Spanish is the most widely spoken language, other than English, in the United States for people over the age of 5. The report states that by the year 2020, the number of people speaking Spanish may reach anywhere from 37.5 to 41 million…University of California, Irvine Professor Rubén Rumbaut summarized what is happening to our language …The first adult generation of immigrants ended up speaking survival-level English with an accent. You know, maybe think of Desi Arnaz in “I Love Lucy.” The second generation, they remain bilingual, albeit their proficiency faded over time. And finally, the third generation, grandchildren, grew up speaking English only, perhaps with a few quaint vestiges – muchas gracias.

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