Walmart is no job-creator, it’s a job-destroyer

Walmart is no job-creator, it’s a job-destroyer
- August 13, 2013
- Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor and Center for Economics & Public Policy director, is featured in Occupy Democrats and Good Men Project Magazine August 13, 2013
From Occupy Democrats:
This story is the same across the country. The problem is, Walmart does not create
as many jobs as it destroys. A peer-reviewed study by economist David Neumark, who
works at the University of California, Irvine, entitled The Effects of Wal-Mart On
Local Labor Markets found just that. To be clear, Mr. Neumark is hardly what one would
consider a Liberal. In 2009, he wrote an op-ed entitled Delay The Minimum-Wage Hike
arguing that the minimum wage should remain low, despite increased wealthy disparity.
For the full story, please visit
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