Some in O.C. praise Obama immigration plan; critics want tighter border

Some in O.C. praise Obama immigration plan; critics want tighter border
- January 29, 2013
- Frank Bean, sociology Chancellor's Professor and Center for Research on Immigration, Population and Public Policy director, is quoted in the Orange County Register January 29, 2013
From the OC Register:
Cellphone in hand, Yesenia Rojas listened to President Obama's address on immigration
reform while simultaneously posting on her Facebook page. "Si se puede," she wrote.
The Anaheim resident echoed the feeling in the small room crowded with immigration
reform supporters, who at the end of the president's speech chanted in Spanish the
same phrase: "Yes, we can." ... Frank Bean, director of UC Irvine's Center for Research
on Immigration, Population and Public Policy, said there's deeper and more widespread
support for immigration reform than in the past, but the various components of a proposal
are bound to hit a snag with one group or another. "I think it will get worked out
in due course," Bean said, "but it won't be a walk in the sun."
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