Editorial: A poor way to help low-skill workers

Editorial: A poor way to help low-skill workers
- January 1, 2013
- David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor and Center for Economics & Public Policy director, is quoted in the Orange Country Register and Limaohio.com January 01, 2013
From the OC Register:
Moves to increase minimum wages are back at all levels of government, though doing
so would hurt most the low-income workers they’re designed to help. In Ohio, the minimum
wage increases 15 cents to $7.85 starting today, one of 10 states to increase its
minimum wage. At the federal level, an aide to Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, told the Orange
County Register that Harkin will re-introduce legislation in January to boost the
minimum wage that in 2012 didn’t get out of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
Committee, which he chaired. A similar bill was introduced in the House of Representatives
by Rep. George Mille, D-Calif. The legislation, which could be modified, would boost
the federal minimum wage to $9.80 per hour in 2014 from $7.25 today, a 35 percent
increase. And it would tie the minimum wage to inflation. “It’s the law of supply
and demand: when production input gets more expensive, businesses substitute other
things,” David Neumark told the Orange County Register; he’s the director of University
of California Irvine’s Center for Economics and Public Policy and co-author of a recent
book, “Minimum Wages.”
For the full story, please visit http://www.ocregister.com/opinion/minimum-381754-wage-jobs.html.
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