Set science free – A review by Donald D. Hoffman

Set science free – A review by Donald D. Hoffman
- September 18, 2012
- A review by Don Hoffman, cognitive sciences professor, is featured on Beliefnet September 17, 2012
From Beliefnet:
Rupert Sheldrake tells us in the preface to his book Set Science Free: 10 Paths to
New Discovery that “I have written this book because I believe that the sciences will
be more exciting and engaging when they move beyond the dogmas that restrict free
inquiry and imprison imaginations.” To help the sciences make this move, Sheldrake
spells out ten dogmas of modern science and gives, for each, a chapter that discusses
its history, a critique and a way forward. About the author: Donald D. Hoffman received
his Ph.D. from MIT and since 1983 has been a professor of Cognitive Science at the
University of California, Irvine.
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