Fed study: States with low welfare growth, simple tax rates grow faster

Fed study: States with low welfare growth, simple tax rates grow faster
- September 4, 2012
- Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor and Center for Economics & Public Policy director, is featured in Newamax September 04, 2012
From Newamax:
States with simpler tax codes and lower welfare payments have stronger wage and employment
growth than other states in the union, research published Tuesday by the U.S. Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco showed. The findings, published in the San Francisco
Fed's latest Economic Letter, suggest that state policymakers can goose economic and
job growth by fostering a better business climate as measured by taxes and other costs.
"Corporate tax simplicity and uniformity with federal taxation are associated with
stronger wage and gross state product growth," wrote David Neumark, a University of
California, Irvine economics professor and visiting scholar at the regional Fed bank.
"States with higher welfare and transfer payments show weaker employment and wage
For the full story, please visit http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/article/2012/09/04/id/450742.
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