Outstanding anteaters
Outstanding anteaters
- July 13, 2012
- Social sciences undergrads among those honored with inaugural Chancellor’s Award of Distinction
Ten social sciences students were among the 32 outstanding seniors selected this year for the inaugural Chancellor’s Award of Distinction. Coordinated through the UCI Alumni Association, the honor recognizes graduating seniors who show exemplary character while an undergrad at UCI, devoting their time and talents to benefit the campus community through research, leadership or service. Recipients for 2012 were recognized at commencement ceremonies with an achievement cord, notation in the commencement program and a certificate.
Social sciences recipients included:
Jaime Allen
Jane Yoona Chung
Alexandra Coombs
Annie Stanfield Ditta
Helen Katherine Klein
Eileen Huang Lee
John Naviaux
Richard G. Ramos
Erika Santacruz
Madiha Shahabuddin
Learn more about the honor and congrats to all 2012 Chancellor's Award recipients!
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