Film offers glimpse into migrant labor camps

Film offers glimpse into migrant labor camps
- May 31, 2012
- A documentary by Gilbert Gonzalez, UCI Chicano/Latino studies professor emeritus, and Vivian Price, an alumna of UCI’s political science doctoral program, is featured in the Forest Grove News Times May 31, 2012
From the News Times:
The movie, "Harvest of Loneliness: The Bracero Program," sheds light on the current
debate over immigration reform and the use of "guest workers" in American agriculture
by examining the Bracero Program, a system put in place from 1942 to 1964 to recruit
Mexican farm laborers for temporary work in the U.S. The documentary explores the
reasons the program was implemented and the effects it had on the men who worked the
fields and the families they left behind.... The film was co-directed by Dr. Gilbert
Gonzalez and University of California, Irvine alumna Vivian Price, who has a doctorate
in political science. Gonzalez has been published widely on Chicano Latino labor history.
For the full story, please visit
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