Social sciences welcomes two new faculty in winter quarter

Social sciences welcomes two new faculty in winter quarter
- February 17, 2012
- Additions will help school meet critical course needs in impacted majors
The School of Social Sciences welcomed the arrival of two new faculty members this winter. Yingying Dong, economics assistant professor, and Glenda Flores, Chicano/Latino studies assistant professor with an affiliate appointment in sociology, will be filling critical teaching needs in the highly impacted economics and sociology majors, helping the school reduce class sizes and increase course offerings. At the same time, their scholarly interests in economics of labor, health, and education and race and social inequality, respectively, will further expand the diversity and interdisciplinary research strengths for which the School of Social Sciences is known.
Yingying Dong
Assistant Professor, Economics
Ph.D., Economics, Boston College
Yingying Dong is a microeconomist who uses econometric models and research methods to study practical issues in labor, health and education. Specific topics she's worked on include health insurance and health care utilization, alcohol consumption, household consumption and retirement behavior, impacts of time inputs on consumption, and childhood education. Her research has been published in the European Economic Review, Economics Letters, and Journal of Econometrics. Prior to coming to UCI, Dong was an assistant professor at California State University, Fullerton.
Glenda Flores
Assistant Professor, Chicano/Latino Studies
Ph.D., Sociology, University of Southern California
Glenda Flores is a sociologist who pursues research on race, gender, social inequality,
education and immigrant and multiracial communities. She has articles forthcoming
in Qualitative Sociology and the Latino Studies Journal; the first deals with how Latina teachers navigate the teaching profession while
the second addresses Latina/o participation in science, technology, engineering and
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