Occupy movement regroups, preparing for its next phase
Occupy movement regroups, preparing for its next phase
- February 13, 2012
- David Meyer, sociologist, is quoted in The New York Times, The Day, Oakland Tribune, Press-Telegram and Truthout February 11, 2012
From The New York Times:
The ragtag Occupy Wall Street encampments that sprang up in scores of cities last
fall, thrusting "We are the 99 percent" into the vernacular, have largely been dismantled,
with a new wave of crackdowns and evictions in the past week. Since the violent clashes
last month in Oakland, Calif., headlines about Occupy have dwindled, too.... Some
of Occupy's dilemmas are those of any emerging movement. "Some of the stuff you do
to get attention often puts off your audience," said David S. Meyer, a professor at
the University of California, Irvine, who studies social movements. "It's a delicate
balance, being provocative enough to get attention and still draw sympathy."
For the full story, please visit http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/12/us/occupy-movement-regroups-laying-pla....
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