Reaction mixed to tougher Border Patrol stance

Reaction mixed to tougher Border Patrol stance
- January 19, 2012
- Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and political science associate professor, is quoted in the Orange County Register January 19, 2012
From the OC Register:
The plan to make punishments for border crossers even tougher than they are now will
only benefit smugglers in the long run, said Louis DeSipio, professor of political
science and Chicano/Latino studies at UC Irvine. "The increase in border patrol staffing
has necessitated the use of smugglers, which cost $3,000 on average or more," DeSipio
said. "So, from the perspective of the potential unauthorized border crosser, the
difficulty and penalties have been very high for more than a decade. "My suspicion
is that added complexity if caught will just add to the appeal of using a smuggler
and add to what they can charge," he said. "This will, unintentionally, empower organized
crime in Mexico."
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