Vote for apathy? The uninformed are the key ingredient for a working democracy, study finds

Vote for apathy? The uninformed are the key ingredient for a working democracy, study finds
- December 19, 2011
- Don Saari, Distinguished Professor of Economics and Mathematics and Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences director, is quoted in the Daily Mail December 19, 2011
From the Daily Mail:
Donald Saari, a professor of mathematics and economics at the University of California-Irvine
who studies voting systems, said he sees parallels to the Princeton-led work in markets
and politics. Highly informed economic forecasters and political activists frequently
lose out to the masses of consumers and regular voters who base decisions on personal
preferences and reasons more than on expertise, said Saari, who is familiar with the
Science report but had no role in it. 'This study gives us a new interpretation of
group decision making that really flies in the face of previous opinions. We usually
assume that a highly opinionated and forceful group is going to sway everyone,' Saari
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