Liberal groups take up Occupy mantle in D.C.
Liberal groups take up Occupy mantle in D.C.
- December 8, 2011
- David Meyer, sociology professor, is quoted in Roll Call December 7, 2011
From Roll Call:
The Capitol Hill action - led by the American Dream Movement, a coalition that includes, the Service Employees International Union and the local jobs group Our
DC - aimed to direct the movement toward legislative advocacy. "Occupy Wall Street
is the proper message.... We're saying to legislators, 'You've heard this message.
Now do your job,'" said Elbridge James, board president of Progressive Maryland, a
group that advocates for working families.... "You can expect if the movement takes
off that there are going to be a lot of failed campaigns, but some things are going
to take off," said David Meyer, a sociology professor at the University of California,
Irvine, who studies protest movements. He added that it is typical for grass-roots
movements to splinter into different efforts, and it doesn't necessarily mean their
demise. "The fact that people are going to disagree and do different things doesn't
mean it can't be a movement," he said.
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