More than skin color determines perceived race: UC Irvine research

More than skin color determines perceived race: UC Irvine research
- September 29, 2011
- A study by Andrew Penner, socioloy assistant professor, is featured in the OC Weekly September 29, 2011
From the OC Weekly:
When it comes to determining the race of a stranger, our minds see more than skin
color. That's the conclusion of a study co-authored by UCI sociologist Andrew Penner,
which was really quite simple when it came to the research. Viewers were shown images
of the same man in business attire and a janitor's uniform. Photos of a different
man were added to the mix, as were those of women. Above the photos were boxes marked
"white" and "black" so the viewers could assign the race of each person shown. You
can imagine what the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation-funded
research found.
For the full story, please visit
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