Jerry Brown and Latinos

Jerry Brown and Latinos
- July 26, 2011
- Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and political science associate professor, is interviewed on KQED Radio July 26, 2011
From KQED:
Governor Jerry Brown signed the first part of the Dream Act yesterday, which would
give undocumented college students at California universities access to privately
funded financial aid. The decision follows Brown's June veto of legislation that would
have made it easier for farm workers to unionize. We look at Governor Brown's political
relationship with the Latino community in California. Host: Scott Shafer. Guests:
Louis DeSipio, associate professor of political science and chair of Chicano/Latino
Studies at University of California, Irvine; Luis Alejo, assembly member for 28th
To listen to the interview, visit
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