Building schools for the 21st century will take courage

Building schools for the 21st century will take courage
- June 1, 2011
- Mizuko “Mimi” Ito, anthropology and informatics professor and current John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Chair in Digital Media and Learning, is quoted in the Silicon Valley Mercury News and 4 additional publications May 29, 2011
From the Mercury News:
Maybe you've been worried, like I have, that moving further and faster toward digital
classrooms will leave poor schools and families behind. Those who have computers will
flourish. Those without will founder. But research by Mizuko Ito, a UC Irvine cultural
anthropologist, suggests we've been looking at the wrong digital divide. Smartphones
have put digital tools in the hands of more low-income families. The disparities in
access to the Internet remain, but not to the extent we might assume. The more significant
gap now is the kind of help outside of school that a kid gets in understanding the
most productive educational uses for digital tools. Wealthier kids receive better
mentoring and guidance through the digital world. It strikes me that that's a gap
a digitally committed school could go a long way in closing.
For the full story, please visit;
Also ran in:
Daily Bulletin
Los Angeles Daily News
Oakland Tribune
Silicon Valley
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