Border enforcement not only issue at stake in illegal immigration

Border enforcement not only issue at stake in illegal immigration
- May 11, 2011
- Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies department chair and political science associate professor, is quoted in the St. Petersburg Times and Politifact May 10, 2011
From the St. Petersburg Times:
Louis DeSipio of the University of California, Irvine, cautioned us that about half
of illegal immigrants in the U.S. entered on short-term visas and then simply stayed.
"Border enforcement does little to slow this flow," he said via e-mail. He added that
he was "not yet convinced" that more enforcement at the border is reducing illegal
immigration: "I think that the real test will be when the U.S. economy recovers, particularly
the sectors that employed a high share of unauthorized immigrants in the last decade:
construction, hospitality, light manufacturing, and household maintenance."
We'll give the Obama administration credit for increased resources at the border,
but we're not yet ready to render a final verdict on this promise. We leave the rating
In the Works.
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