How big is your limbal ring?

How big is your limbal ring?
- May 2, 2011
- A study by Darren Peshek, cognitive sciences graduate student, is featured in Psychology Today April 30, 2011
From Psychology Today:
Of all the qualities that give an attractive person an edge, here's one you've likely
overseen: the limbal ring, the dark circle around iris. The limbal ring is the line
that separates the colored part of the eye from the white (the sclera). It's completely
unconscious, the way we all judge others' limbal rings. In the 20 milliseconds or
so it takes to assess a person's attractiveness, you're factoring in the size and
shade of the limbal rings. The bigger and blacker they are, the more attractive the
eyes. People with the prettiest eyes have the most prominent limbal rings. This, anyhow,
is the upshot of a recent study by Darren Peshek and his colleagues at the Department
of Cognitive Science at the University of California, Irvine. The researchers showed
volunteers eighty pairs of male and female faces. Each pair of faces was identical
except the eyes: one had dark limbal rings and the other had no limbal rings. The
volunteers were asked to pick which face was more attractive and to indicate their
degree of preference.
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