Making thought-based speech a reality

Making thought-based speech a reality
- April 5, 2011
- UCI cognitive scientists’ non-invasive synthetic telepathy communication work featured in April edition of Discover Magazine
In 2008, UCI cognitive science professors Mike D’Zmura, Ramesh Srinivasan, Gregory
Hickok and Kourosh Saberi were awarded $4 million from the U.S. Department of Defense’s
Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative program to develop a communication
system that would use thought rather than voice to communicate. Working with researchers Richard Stern and Vijayakumar Bhagavatula from Carnegie
Mellon University and David Poeppel from the University of Maryland, that system is
becoming closer to a reality. For an update on their progress, check out the April
issue of Discover Magazine and their feature story, “Silent Warrior” (subscription required for viewing; full
story available in print on newsstands).
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