Sarah Palin to stump for Republicans in Orange County
Sarah Palin to stump for Republicans in Orange County
- October 16, 2010
- Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies department chair and political science associate professor, is quoted by NBC LA October 16, 2010
From NBC LA:
When former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin takes the stage Saturday at the Anaheim Marriott
to rally Republicans for the Nov. 2 election, the state's top two GOP candidates won't
be there. Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman and Senate candidate Carly
Fiorina will not be among Palin's so-called Mama Grizzlies on hand for the Republican
National Committee's Victory Rally…. By skipping the event, the two can perhaps benefit
from higher Republican turnout without turning off decline-to-state voters, said Louis
DeSipio, an associate professor of political science at UC Irvine. "They get the private
benefit without the public cost," DeSipio said. Whitman likely didn't want to join
Palin at the Anaheim event because, "There's a history there dating back to the primaries,"
DeSipio said. "She and the Palin wing of the party didn't see eye to eye," DeSipio
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