Democrats struggle to generate Hispanic participation
Democrats struggle to generate Hispanic participation
- October 13, 2010
- Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies department chair and political science associate professor, is quoted in Stateline October 13, 2010
From Stateline:
The hot phrase for analysts of the 2010 midterm elections is "enthusiasm gap" - the
level of eagerness to participate that one segment of voters has compared to another.
Across the board this year, polls show that Republicans are more energized than Democrats
are. But few groups are being watched as closely for signs of voting enthusiasm as
Hispanic voters. Latinos are the nation's largest minority group, accounting for nearly
47 million people and 15 percent of the population.... "Because of the closeness of
the races in some states, Latinos can make a difference, if not the difference," says
Louis DeSipio, a political scientist at the University of California, Irvine who specializes
in Latino politics and voting. "They are always a critical electorate in New Mexico.
Should (Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill) White win in Texas," which DeSipio
considers unlikely, "It would not be possible without Latino votes."
For the full story, please visit
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