Many say Golden State lost luster

Many say Golden State lost luster
- October 4, 2010
- David Meyer, sociology professor, is quoted in the OC Register September 30, 2010
From the OC Register:
Ronald Knowles still wears his Chicago Bears T-shirt, but he's long been out of his
home state of Illinois. Knowles, 67, arrived in Orange County in 1965, along with
tens of thousands of Midwest transplants arriving each month who were lured by well-paying
jobs and heavenly weather. Knowles and his wife settled in Fountain Valley, and people
on his street were plumbers, electricians and auto mechanics. "This was the paradigm
of middle-class America," Knowles said in an e-mail to The California Project, describing
those early days. "There was a lot of opportunity out here. Everything was new....
But David Meyer, a sociology professor at UC Irvine, doesn't buy into the notion that
there was a grand consensus in the past, some "mythic idea" that everybody was on
the same page. He puts the blame for the state's problems directly on the voters.
"The government used to have the capacity to get things done," Meyer said. "Over the
years, 30 by my count, the voters have steadily eroded the ability of government to
do anything. So no matter who they elect, they can't accomplish what they are supposed
to do. So we always end up disappointed."
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