Catur Sugiyanto will be presenting his project "Managing Risk: What poor people in Yogyakarta do to smooth their consumption" at the East Asian Economic Association's 12th Convention to be held October 2-3 2010 in Seoul, Korea.

His paper has also been accepted for The Sixth International Conference on Business, Management, and Economics (ICBME) conference   in Izmir Turkey, to be held in October 7-9 2010. His project is titled : "Managing Risk: How male and female headed household differ in smoothing their consumption."

This study explores the practice of poor people in Yogyakarta, Indonesia to protect against theft, fraud and other form of risk. Although the underlying protection processes are similar, the ways in which household smooth consumption are highly contextual, i.e. depend on the particular institutional, social and economic context they live in. Specifically, the study describes what practice commonly observed in the poor household to protect against theft, fraud, and other form of risk; what type of assets held; and analyze factors determine the type of assets held. This research improves our understanding on the income and consumption smoothing behavior of the poor.