Foes: Costa Mesa 'Rule of Law' lacks teeth

Foes: Costa Mesa 'Rule of Law' lacks teeth
- May 20, 2010
- Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies department chair and political science associate professor, is quoted in the OC Register May 19, 2010
From the OC Register:
While anti-illegal immigration proponents are applauding Costa Mesa's decision to call itself a "Rule of Law City," critics say that the action is laying groundwork for future, intolerant policies. The City Council passed a resolution Tuesday night declaring Costa Mesa a city that does not condone illegal immigration. Mayor Allan Mansoor, a vocal opponent of illegal immigration and state Assembly candidate, said the action was more than just a symbolic gesture but one that would set the stage for future proposals he plans to bring up with the council.... However, Louis DeSipio, professor of political science and Chicano/Latino studies at UC Irvine, said Costa Mesa's recent action is nothing more than "political posturing;" every city is a rule of law and, today, sanctuary cities cease to exist, he said. "Mayor Mansoor has tried to come up with a counter-rhetorical device to sanctuary cities, and that's this notion of rule of law," he said. "All cities are rule of law cities. All cities have police forces and they enforce the law. The notion that some cities are less rule of law than others is pretty silly in my eyes."
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