Back to the basics

Back to the basics
- March 20, 2008
- Cognitive scientist Barbara Sarnecka leads study on how children understand number concepts; findings may lead to better methods for teaching math
As adults, we all know the meanings of number words like "one," "two," "three," and
so on. The numbers could refer to one house, two cats, three apples or any other collection
we want to refer to, just as Dr. Seuss so eloquently did in his classic "One Fish
Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish."
But where do we really get the concepts for one, two, and three? Are they something
we're born knowing or something we learn along the way?
For answers, cognitive sciences assistant professor Barbara Sarnecka and her team
of researchers (pictured at right), equipped with a newly awarded $152,000, two-year
grant from the National Institute of Health, are getting back to the basics in pre-school
classrooms throughout the Irvine community.
Working with children from one to four years old, Sarnecka's research team directs
different educational games in which the youngsters perform cognitive tasks such as
counting different objects and grouping them into different boxes. The goal: to determine
how and when children get number concepts,.
"Children learn to count at a very young age," says Sarnecka, "but the conceptual
understanding of what the number words actually mean comes later." By studying the
learning progress of their young subjects, she hopes to better understand how and
when the proverbial "light bulb" of understanding number concepts turns on.
"By studying how we think and how our concepts are encoded in language, we may better
understand what 'normal' developmental progress looks like," says Sarnecka. "If we
know what 'normal' is, then we can also identify what is 'abnormal' and begin to find
new ways to accommodate these developmental abnormalities."
In the case of number concepts, this could mean identifying new ways to teach math
to those who are unable to comprehend the meaning or concepts of numbers or groupings.
If you have a child under the age of four and are interested in participating in this
study, please visit, call 949-824-5492 or email Participation would take place in the Social Sciences Lab on the UC Irvine campus.
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