About the talk:

How has the large community of international affairs experts in China viewed the US in the past two decades, and how have major events affected their views of the US? In this talk, Dr. Shih will answer this question by collecting an original corpus of Chinese writing on the US with over 20,000 articles written by 9,137 authors across 5900 affiliations who published in over 3,000 journals. Shih will then trace how these experts’ views of the US has ebbed and flowed between 2000 and 2021, as well as how external shocks such as the 2001 EP3 incident, the 2008 US financial crisis, and the 2016 election of President Trump have affected the views of different segments of China’s foreign policy expert community. 
About the speaker:
Victor Shih is a professor of political science and the Ho Miu Lam Chair in China and Pacific Relations at UC San Diego, where he also directs the 21st Century China Center. He is an expert on the politics of Chinese banking policies, fiscal policies, and exchange rate, as well as the elite politics of China. He is currently engaged in a study of the activities of the Chinese elite and of Chinese defense firms around the world.