Counting Candidates
Candidates occupy a leading role in the study of politics. Research on political candidates
is in many ways at an
apex, but it is also a conceptual muddle. Historically, "candidates" were those listed
on the ballot, but other
measures have quietly cropped up in recent years. This talk seeks to generate a new
conversation around
counting candidates. Thomsen replicates two recent studies and show how the samples
change with different measures of
a candidate. Researchers often use scope conditions, and there may be good reason
to define candidates in
various ways or focus on some rather than others. Nonetheless, different measures
create implicit definitions of
what counts as a candidacy, and they are rooted in distinct values about which campaign
activities are important.
The study of candidates is more exciting than ever, in part because of the data that
are available. Yet with more
data comes more choices, and we should give more attention to the implications of
these choices as well.
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