To Build a Black Future: The Radical Politics of Joy, Pain, and Care - Book Salon
- Tiffany Willoughby-Herard, Global and International Studies, UCI
- Roderic Crooks, Department of Informatics, UCI
- Jordie Davies, Political Science, UCI
- Nate Joseph, Global and International Studies, UCI
- Davin Phoenix, Political Science, UCI
Response by author Christopher Paul Harris, Global and International Studies, UCI
About the Book:
When #BlackLivesMatter emerged in 2013, it animated the most consequential Black-led
mobilization since the civil rights and Black power era. Today, the hashtag turned
rallying cry is but one expression of a radical reorientation toward Black politics,
protest, and political thought. To Build a Black Future examines the spirit and significance of this insurgency, offering a revelatory account
of a new political culture—responsive to pain, suffused with joy, and premised on
care—emerging from the centuries-long arc of Black rebellion, a tradition that traces
back to the Black slave.
Drawing on his own experiences as an activist and organizer, Christopher Paul Harris takes readers inside the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) to chart the propulsive trajectory of Black politics and thought from the Middle Passage to the present historical moment. Carefully attending to the social forces that produce Black struggle and the contradictions that arise within it, Harris illustrates how M4BL gives voice to an abolitionist praxis that bridges the past, present, and future, outlining a political project at once directed inward to the Black community while issuing an outward challenge to the world. Essential reading for the age of #BlackLivesMatter, this visionary and provocative book reveals how the radical politics of joy, pain, and care, in sharp contrast to liberal political thought, can build a Black future that transcends ideology and pushes the boundaries of our political imagination.
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