All-UC Demography Conference
The Center for Population, Inequality, and Policy at UC Irvine is hosting an All-UC Demography Conference that is open to all University of California researchers performing demography research and affiliated with population and poverty centers. The keynote talk will be given by Ronald Lee, Distinguished Professor and founding director of UC Berkeley Center for the Economics and Demography of Aging. The program will have 10-12 faculty papers and about 25 graduate student posters.
Faculty papers:
- Elizabeth Ackert, Assistant Professor of Geography, UC Berkeley, Socio-Demographic Predictors of Heat Exposure in California Census Tracts
- Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Professor of Economics/Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts, UC Merced, Immigration Enforcement and the Institutionalization of Elderly Americans
- Marion Aouad, Assistant Professor of Economics, UC Irvine, How Does Medicare Eligibility Affect Choice?: Evidence from Veterans
- Martha Bailey, Professor of Economics, UCLA, How Subsidies Affect Contraceptive Use among Low-Income Women in the U.S.: A Randomized Control Trial
- Tim Bruckner, Professor of Public Health, UC Irvine, Family Cash Transfers and Educational Outcomes in the Next Generation
- Susan Cassels, Professor of Geography, UC Santa Barbara, Patterns of sexual minority men’s residential and health risk activity spaces in Los Angeles, CA
- Raziel Davison, Research Associated, Broom Center for Demography, UC Santa Barbara, The importance of elders: Extending Hamilton’s force of selection to include intergenerational transfers
- Patrick Heuveline, Professor of Sociology, UCLA, Reconsidering the Historical Roots of Nonmarital Cohabitation in the United States: The Previously Married as Engines of Social Change?
- Marianne Page, Professor of Economics, UC Davis, Generational Persistence in the Effects of an Early Childhood Health Intervention
- David Swanson, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, UC Riverside, The relative risk of dying from COVID-19 among those infected reveals a disturbing portrait of both COVID-19 mortality and non-COVID-19 mortality in the USA
- Maria-Elena Young, Assistant Professor of Public Health/School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts, UC Merced, Immigrant policy exclusions and health and health care among Latinx and Asian immigrants in California
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