CPIP Grant Meet Up
Registration is open: REGISTER NOW
CPIP is holding a grant meet up for its faculty affiliates on January 27 from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM in SBSG 1517. The aim is to facilitate cross-disciplinary conversations and collaborations with CPIP faculty.
Below are a list of themes around which we would like to group faculty for round 1 discussions and the event’s program.
We drew these ideas from the October luncheon and would like to use these topics as a starting point for discussions at the grant meet up.
- Using phones, sensors, and real-time data collection and analysis to improve health, behavior and wellbeing
- Policing, incarceration, and responses to crime
- Causes and impacts of neighborhood segregation
- COVID lessons for future pandemics
- Living and working longer
- Early influences on the life course
- Understanding and reducing racial/ethnic disparities
- 8:30am-9am: breakfast
- 9am-9:15am: introduction and aims
- 9:15am-10:15am: Round 1 – groups based on above themes brainstorm ideas
- 10:15am-10:30am: break
- 10:30am-11:30am: Round 2 – faculty sort into smaller groups of 2-4 people to discuss focused grant topics
- 11:30am-12pm: Debrief and next steps
- 12pm: boxed lunches served and adjourn
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