Registration is open: REGISTER NOW


CPIP is holding a grant meet up for its faculty affiliates on January 27 from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM in SBSG 1517. The aim is to facilitate cross-disciplinary conversations and collaborations with CPIP faculty. 

Below are a list of themes around which we would like to group faculty for round 1 discussions and the event’s program. 


We drew these ideas from the October luncheon and would like to use these topics as a starting point for discussions at the grant meet up. 

  1. Using phones, sensors, and real-time data collection and analysis to improve health, behavior and wellbeing
  2. Policing, incarceration, and responses to crime
  3. Causes and impacts of neighborhood segregation
  4. COVID lessons for future pandemics
  5. Living and working longer
  6. Early influences on the life course
  7. Understanding and reducing racial/ethnic disparities


  • 8:30am-9am: breakfast
  • 9am-9:15am: introduction and aims 
  • 9:15am-10:15am: Round 1 – groups based on above themes brainstorm ideas
  • 10:15am-10:30am: break
  • 10:30am-11:30am: Round 2 – faculty sort into smaller groups of 2-4 people to discuss focused grant topics  
  • 11:30am-12pm: Debrief and next steps
  • 12pm: boxed lunches served and adjourn