Ecological Erasure as a Site of the Continuing Terms of Order
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About the talk:
The legacy of environmentalism within Black Radical struggles is an understudied phenomenon,
even in environmental justice studies. Though environmental justice has analyzed the
environmental burdens disproportionately faced by marginalized communities, most of
these studies place the origins in the 1980s, thereby erasing the legacy and voices
of environmental struggle from prior radical movements by communities of color. By
erasing radical movements of color from the narrative, environmentalism becomes “color-neutral,”
or white, and therefore, issues of environment become thought of as “white” in the
publics’ imagination. Baran explores the genealogy of an already present environmental
justice praxis within Black Radical Movements, by revealing the liberatory rhetoric
of Black radical movements as they challenge the State. By locating these articulations
and actions, Baran analyzes how environmentalism manifests within Black Radical movements,
and challenges this erasure. In framing his paper this way he asks: How does erasure
influence who is thought of as “rightful” users of land/space? How have Black Radical
movements theorized environmental injustice? What are the strategies that are used
in struggle and what are the implications for this thought in helping to envision
and act towards transformative vision of society?
About the speaker:
Baran's work focuses on the intersections of carcerality, labor, and critical environmental
studies. He researches the investment and rise in the carceral state and ongoing community
and organizational challenges. He is also invested in research which locates the intersection
of environmental justice and liberatory movements, especially as these movements challenge
hegemony and disrupt state power while enacting alternative socio-spatial relationships.
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