Rob Them: Competing Ontological Traditions in Geographical Contestations
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About the talk:
Contention for geographic spaces is rooted in how communities create meaningful engagement
with the environment. The origins and mechanisms communities use to formulate communal
practices builds ontological traditions that compete through systems of domination
over methods to order geographic spaces. Contentions illuminate both how power is
organized through regimes and the narratives about communities that shape racialization.
Geography is racialized and race is better understood through geography. Under racial
capitalism, how is Blackness used to (re)order spaces? What are the conditions for
forming, (re)organizing and destroying Black geographies? What is the resistance that
Black knowledges of geography brings to compete with systems of domination? This chapter
argues racial capitalism necessitates the dispossession of Black geographies to maintain
racial regimes. Thus, the mechanisms to dispute this dispossession must address communal
modes of redemption.
About the speaker:
Stephanie Jones is a PhD Candidate in Sociology at UC Irvine. She studies the relationship
between race and geography within the context of racial capitalism. Her current research
looks at geographic struggles within Oakland, CA through the lens of residents witnessing
the reordering of their community. She theorizes how racial capitalism produces vulnerable
populations through housing. The empirical contribution of her research is to provide
a framework for Black geographies as people are being dispossessed. The theoretical
contribution is to provide a conceptualization for Black geographies existing through
abjections and placelessness as understood through residents of Oakland.
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