The Impact of Brexit on Peace in Ireland
This lecture is part of the Hal Smith Lecture Series
Paul Arthur is an honorary associate at INCORE at Ulster University. He has been a senior fellow at the United States Institute of Peace, Fulbright Scholar at Stanford University, Distinguished Visiting Professor at Chapman University, Kroc Fellow at the University of San Diego and visiting professor at the Gregorian Pontifical University, Rome.
Nevin Aiken is an associate professor in the School of Politics, Public Policy and International Studies at the University of Wyoming. His first book, Identity, Reconciliation and Transitional Justice: Overcoming Intractability in Divided Societies (2013), explores the relationship between intergroup identity, post-conflict justice and reconciliation in Northern Ireland and South Africa and won the 2014 Hart Socio-legal Book Prize for "most outstanding piece of socio-legal scholarship" published in the previous year.
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