Countermapped Storying in the Philippines
About the talk:
This presentation examines a countercartographic form of storying and reevaluates
the uses and possibilities of geonarratives as a method and approach used in a subaltern
setting that allows participants to tell stories in their own terms and in a manner
they deem best captures their place-based often-untold narratives. By enabling and
encouraging the use of available materials at their immediate disposal, the participants
produced drawings, collages, technology-aided illustrations, and other forms of visualization
to tell various spatial stories. The outcome is then used as a visual basis and prompt
to discuss, tell and perform their stories-so-far in a manner that allows stories
to flow, meander and circle back consistent with the chosen style and modality of
the participant. Using five mapping workshops in the Philippines as illustrations,
Palis will discuss how geonarrative mapping was used, approached and practiced with
the aim of making invisible stories visible, and enabling the storytelling of untold
About the speaker:
Joseph Palis is an associate professor in geography at the University of the Philippines-Diliman.
He currently heads the Mapping Geonarratives project at UP-Diliman. He teaches countercartography,
island and archipelagic geographies, and media geographies. He is a co-editor of
the Geographies of Media Pivot Series at Palgrave Macmillan.
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