From Foundations to Frontiers: Chinese American Contributions to the Fabric of America
Join us for the presentation, "From Foundations to Frontiers," a landmark study of
the enduring contributions of Chinese Americans to American society from the 1800s
to today. The evidence-driven study details these contributions across the following
seven industries: Arts & Culture, Civil Rights, Public Service and Politics, Business
Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Infrastructure, Military & National Security, Public
Health, and Science & Technology.
This virtual presentation will provoke curiosity and offer a new perspective on Chinese
American contributions while identifying, quantifying, and showcasing the contributions
of the Chinese American community through data and storytelling.
Judy Tzu-Chun Wu, Professor of Asian American Studies and Director of the UCI Humanities Center
Jennifer Wang, chief operating officer of Asian American Senior Citizens Service Center
With remarks from Douglas Haynes, UCI Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion and Professor of History
Moderated by Tyrus Miller, Dean, UCI School of Humanities
This event is organized by the Committee of 100 and the UCI School of Humanities. Co-sponsors include the Long US-China Institute, the UCI Office of Inclusive Excellence, the UCI Humanities Center, and the UCI Department of Asian American Studies.
Judy Tzu-Chun Wu, Professor of Asian American Studies and Director of the UCI Humanities Center
Jennifer Wang, chief operating officer of Asian American Senior Citizens Service Center
With remarks from Douglas Haynes, UCI Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion and Professor of History
Moderated by Tyrus Miller, Dean, UCI School of Humanities
This event is organized by the Committee of 100 and the UCI School of Humanities. Co-sponsors include the Long US-China Institute, the UCI Office of Inclusive Excellence, the UCI Humanities Center, and the UCI Department of Asian American Studies.
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