Using Data to Fight Racism and Police Violence
- May 7, 2021
- 12:00p.m. - 1:30p.m.
- Zoom (pre-registration required)
- Samuel Sinyangwe, Policy Analyst and Data Scientist
Samuel Sinyangwe is a policy analyst and data scientist who co-founded Mapping Police
Violence to support activists across the country to collect and use data to fight
police violence and co-founded Campaign Zero to advocate for local, state, and federal
policy solutions to end police violence.
- Contact: Frances Hom,
- Sponsor: UCSB Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, UCI Office of Inclusive Excellence,
UCI School of Social Sciences Office of Faculty Development and Diversity, UCI Samueli
School of Engineering, UCI School of Humanities, UCI School of Physical Sciences,
and UCI Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
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