
A new report from the UC Collaborative to Promote Immigrant and Student Equity (UC PromISE) establishes that immigration policy is disrupting the educational experiences and wellbeing not only of undocumented students, but also those students who are citizens from mixed-status families. Advancing Equity for Undocumented Students and Students from Mixed-Status Families at the University of California features data from a survey of 2,742 UC undergraduate students and compares the experiences of three groups: undocumented immigrant students, U.S. citizen students with undocumented parents, and U.S. citizen students with immigrant parents who are permanent residents or naturalized citizens. The report powerfully illustrates that immigration policy disrupts the educational experiences of a larger group of students than often recognized. Drawing lessons from undocumented student programs at the UC, it identifies areas of improvement that can aid all universities in advancing equity for all students impacted by immigration policies. 

Join UC PromISE for a discussion with report co-authors:
  • Laura E. Enriquez, Associate Professor of Chicano/Latino Studies at UC Irvine
  • Ignacio Alarcón, Assistant Director of the AB540 and Undocumented Student Center at UC Davis
  • Cecilia Ayón, Professor of Public Policy at at UC Riverside
  • María Blanco, Executive Director of UC Immigrant Legal Services
  • Angela Chen, Director of the UCI Dream Center at UC Irvine
  • Jennifer Nájera, Associate Professor and Chair of Ethnic Studies at UC Riverside
  • Annie Ro, Associate Professor of Public Health at UC Irvine
  • Zulema Valdez, Associate Vice Provost for the Faculty and Professor of Sociology at UC Merced