Integration or Decoupling: What Lies Ahead?
Recent talk of the United States decoupling from China has raised questions about the likelihood and potential effects of such a possibility. This webinar will discuss what the outcome of the November elections might mean for the future of global trade, investment, and US-China relations. This will be the first of two webinars organized by the Long US-China Institute on the US elections and the future of the trade war.
About the speakers:
Weiyi Shi is an assistant professor of political science at the University of California, San Diego. She was previously a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University, and her research examines the political economy of China's outward direct investment.
Yeling Tan is an assistant professor of political science at the University of Oregon and previously held a postdoctoral fellowship at the Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program. Her first book, State Strategies Under Global Rules: Chinese Industrial Policy in the WTO Era, is forthcoming from Cornell University Press.
Jack Zhang is an assistant professor of political science at the University of Kansas. His research focuses on the political economy of trade and conflict in East Asia, and he is currently working on a project examining the reaction of American multinational firms to the trade war.
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