CGPACS Annual Graduate Student Conference
Conference Agenda
8:30am Coffee and Bagels
Session I: Trade & Conflict
Zarak Sohail
Martin Jacinto, Sociology
“The 2008 Global Financial Crisis and the Emergence of South-South Cooperation: A Critical Perspective”Kendrick Morales, Economics
“Does Trade Promote Terrorism? An Instrumental Variables Approach”Nathan Cisneros, Political Science
“Commercial Peace and Sino-Japanese Relations”Uras Demir, Political Science
“We Still “Kant” Seem to Get Along: An Empirical Analysis of Cooperation and Conflict in a World of Global Value Chain Trade”
Session II: Governance
Sara O’Connor
Samuel Morgan, Political Science
“Why Do MPs Go to War? An Analysis of House of Commons Debates on the Question of Military Intervention in Libya and Syria”Lev Nachman, Chit Wai John Mok & Nathan Kar Ming Chan, Political Science & Sociology
“A Red Flag for Participation: The Effects of Chinese Mainlandization on Political Behavior in Hong Kong”Aaron William Tester, Sociology
“Reconstituting the State: Decentralization, Development, and the Rise of Local Governments 1970-2015”Nima Yolmo, Anthropology
“The Task of Temporizing: Sociality and Affect Around Infrastructures in Manipur, North-East India”
12:40pm-1:30pm Lunch
Session III: Targeted Violence
Zarak Sohail
Misbah Hyder, Political Science
“The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword: How Ahmadi Muslims Resist Through Peacebuilding”Mirette Morcos, Political Science
“To Protect or Not to Protect? That is the Question- A Discussion of the Spatial Variation of Ethnic Conflict in Egypt”Nalya Rodriguez, Sociology
“A Chance At Life Over Certain Death: Perceptions of Homicide Prevention in El Salvador”Mary Isaac, Political Science
“Ethnic Groups in the Middle - The Assyrian Case”
Session IV: Post-Conflict Realities and Peacebuilding
Sara O’Connor
Kristen Aanstoos, Political Science
“Negotiating Women’s Representation: The Effect of Women’s Participation in Peace Negotiations on Gendered Legislative Representation in Post-Conflict States”Tauhid Syeed Bin Kashem, Political Science
“Pluralizing Refuge: The Paradox of Refugee Protection in Non-signatory Countries”Merima Tricic, Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy
“Empowering Wartime Sexual Violence Survivors: Comparing and Contrasting International and Domestic Grassroots Organizations in Postwar Bosnia”Patrick Neal Russell Julius, Economics
“Game Theory of International Peace Norms”
5:10pm Closing remarks, followed by wine and cheese reception
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