Autry Museum of the American West Field Trip and Film Screening
Film Screening and Discussion of “Salt of the Earth” (1954) at the Autry Museum of the American West’s Wells Fargo Theater with Ana Elizabeth
Rosas, Department of Chicano-Latino Studies and History, University of California,
Irvine and Scavenger Hunt and Tour at the Autry Museum of the American West
This film event presentation and discussion of “Salt of the Earth” (1954) in 35mm format and in the Autry Museum of the American West’s Wells Fargo
Theater and scavenger hunt and tour of the Autry Museum of the American West are opportunities
for UC Irvine students, faculty, and staff to learn about the under-examined social
history of Latinx activist laborers, and in turn, the daring creativity, feminism,
civic engagement, enterprise, and gendered dislocations at the heart of this history.
This event collaboration is in partnership with the Autry Museum of the American West’s
"What is a Western? Film Series."
UCI Illuminations Event Schedule:
Saturday, January 18, 2020
9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Participating students, faculty, and staff meet and board the bus at the UCI flagpole area, and travel to the Autry Museum of the American West
11:30 a.m.-1:20 p.m.
Arrive at the Autry Museum of the American West
Scavenger Hunt and Tour of the Autry Museum of the American West
1:30 p.m.-3:45 p.m.
Enjoy Introduction, Screening, and Discussion of “Salt of the Earth” at the Autry Museum of the American West’s Wells Fargo Theater
4:00 p.m.-4:45 p.m.
Tour the Autry Museum of the American West
Depart from Autry Museum of the American West and Travel back to UCI
If you would like to attend this event, please RSVP for this event as soon as possible
This event is being co-sponsored by UCI Illuminations, the Office of the Dean of the School of Social Sciences, UCI Humanities Research Center's Borders & Belonging, and the Departments of Chicano-Latino Studies and History and the Autry Museum of the American West's "What is a Western?" Film Series.
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