Transdisciplinary Research on the Changing Arctic and its Global Impacts: Enhancing Capacity for Convergence Science
Workshop Description
Rapid and wide-scale changes precipitated by Arctic warming portend new opportunities and unprecedented risks to natural systems; social and cultural systems; economic, political and legal systems; and built environments of the Arctic and across the globe. Understanding and adapting to a changing Arctic will require creative new research frameworks that cross-cut the social, behavioral, natural, physical, and engineering sciences. Yet, such interdisciplinary integration is often difficult to accomplish, and obstacles to convergence persist.
With support from the National Science Foundation, the University of California-Irvine will host a workshop on developing transdisciplinary, convergence research projects on the impacts of the changing Arctic on both the Arctic region and the rest of the world. We invite the participation of researchers from diverse disciplines across the United States who would like to undertake research on Arctic change and/or its global impacts as envisioned in NSF's Navigating the New Arctic (NNA) Big Idea. The workshop will offer training activities to enhance capacity to do so in a manner that deeply integrates the social and behavioral sciences with the natural, physical and engineering sciences and other disciplines and engages local communities in meaningful collaborations. The workshop will cover both research in the Arctic and its impacts elsewhere.
Funds are available to support travel (including transportation, meals and accommodation)
for up to 40 participants on-site. Pending resources, workshop presentations will
be live-streamed, and individuals will have the option to attend virtually (registration
Applications are invited from researchers at all stages of career development, and individuals new to research in the Arctic are especially encouraged to apply.
Workshop Program - Final Program
List of Speaker - View List
Workshop Code of Conduct - View File
For more information contact Dr. Holly Hapke at or Allison Marks at
Conference Videos
Speaker Presentations
Content in each presentation constitutes the intellectual property of the presenter. Please cite appropriately. Suggested citation:
[Speaker Name], 2019. [Presentation Title]. Presented at the Workshop Transdisciplinary Research on the Changing Arctic and Its Global Impacts: Enhancing Capacity for Convergence Science. University of California-Irvine and the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center of the National Academics of Science and Engineering, Irvine, CA, October 31-November 1.
Philip Steinberg - New Science, New Teaching, New Arctic: Building Transdisciplinary Understanding for a Changing North
Dominique David-Chavez - Indigenous Data Governance for Transdisciplinary Climate Resilience Research
Carolina Behe, Raychele Daniel, and Julie Raymond-Yakoubian, with Nikoosh Carlo - Understanding the Arctic through a Co-Production of Knowledge Approach
Daniel Stokols - Converging on Convergence
Carrie Hritz - Convergence Research to Actionable Science at SESYNC
Amanda Carrico - Strategies for Advancing Convergence Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Liesel Ritchie - Social Science Research: Design, Methodology, and Rigor
Colleen Strawhacker - Data and Cyberinfrastructure for Arctic Research
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