Perceptual Inference with Limited Representational Resources
Bayesian statistics has been a successful and principled model framework for explaining
human behavior in perceptual and cognitive inference tasks. However, in many cases
it has been difficult to convincingly justify the choices of the model parameters
(i.e. the likelihood functions and prior beliefs) needed to explain the data. Stocker
will demonstrate how they used the efficient coding hypothesis to derive a new and
better constrained formulation of the Bayesian observer model. The new model makes
a set of rather surprising and counter-intuitive predictions that, however, are supported
both by neural and psychophysical data. Stocker will discuss the general implications
of the new framework for our understanding of perceptual inference.
1. X.-X. Wei and A.A. Stocker. A Bayesian observer model constrained by efficient
coding can explain "anti-Bayesian" percepts. Nature Neuroscience, 2015.
2. X.-X. Wei and A.A. Stocker. Lawful relation between perceptual bias and discriminability.
Proc. of National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 2017.
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