Living with Legal Burden: Indian Men’s Rights Activists Strategize Court Comportment and Policy Success
As women’s organizations have mobilized the Indian State since the 1980’s to institute a slate of laws on intimate violence, men’s groups (MRAs) have formed in counterpoint to challenge definitions of dowry, violence, and alimony. The well-organized Indian MRM (Men’s Rights Movement) holds weekly meetings and an annual conference, seeks international alliances, and participates in a series of civic and political actions. Often involved in multiple civil and criminal cases, MRAs represent themselves as being in endless legal burden: they seek to leverage ideal comportment expected in law enforcement venues to their financial and social advantage, through strategies which resist the logic of legal pluralism. Alongside, they attempt to influence media and political spheres to shape policies on gender neutrality and gender-based violence. In this presentation, Professor Basu will use documents and visual materials produced by these groups, as well as ethnographic work with group members, to trace the various registers through which they imagine and challenge law. Scrutinizing these engagements allows us to consider how gender justice is negotiated through disruptions in the logic of law and policy.
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