Quantitative Approaches to Learning Linking Theories in Language
Linking theories are cognitive representations that allow us to link conceptual information
with language structure so we know how to interpret an utterance. For example, we
interpret “The little girl blicked the kitten on the stairs” as an event involving
a little girl doing something to a kitten and that event happening on the stairs (as
opposed to, say, a kitten doing something to the stairs, and that event happening
on a little girl). Proposals for the nature of linking theories vary on (i) how conceptual
information is used (fixed categories vs. relativized), and (ii) whether the links
are innate or derived from language experience.
In her talk, Pearl will use an integrated quantitative framework involving realistic
child input, child behavioral data, and developmental modeling to determine which
proposals are compatible with children's behavior at different ages. Her findings
support either innate links or derived links, but find only relativized conceptual
information is consistently compatible with children's behavior. She also uses empirically-grounded
developmental modeling to investigate concrete proposals for how children could successfully
derive linking knowledge from their input. She finds support for relativized conceptual
information over fixed categories.
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