Protecting the Rights of Chinese Workers: Emerging Legal Issues and Evolving Avenues for Redress
China’s rapid economic and social changes over the last few decades have fundamentally
changed labor relations, including the legal problems faced by workers. Overdue wages,
discrimination, industrial injuries, and unpaid social insurance premiums are all
too common. This talk will discuss these problems and then evaluate the evolving landscape
of legal and other services available for addressing them—such as private lawyers,
legal aid, barefoot lawyers, pro bono lawyers, and NGOs—in Beijing, Shenzhen, and
the Yangtze River Delta. The presentation will conclude by examining some new proposed
strategies for combatting these legal issues.
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About the Speaker
Aaron Halegua is a lawyer, consultant, and Research Fellow at both NYU Law School’s Center for
Labor and Employment Law and U.S.-Asia Law Institute. In his over 10 years working
on Chinese labor issues, Aaron has consulted for Apple, the Ford Foundation, Asia
Foundation, PILNet, SEIU, the International Labor Rights Forum, and the American Bar
Association. His writings on Chinese legal issues have appeared in the South China Morning Post, Berkeley Journal of International Law, Hong Kong Law Journal, and Harvard Law & Policy Review (Online), and he has been quoted in The New York Times and Economist. Aaron was the legal expert hired by the International Labor Organization to help
the Government of Myanmar draft a labor law reform plan in 2015. In the United States,
Aaron has successfully represented Chinese immigrants working in nail salons, restaurants,
homecare, and construction. He authored a book chapter based on these experiences
that will be published by Cambridge University Press. He has an A.B. from Brown University
and J.D. from Harvard Law School.
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