Understanding and Applying the Group Analysis Model
Decision analysis is usually thought of as a model for decisions with a single decision-maker.
Many attempts to extend decision analysis to group decisions have led to results indicating
how it cannot be done. As a result, there had been no logically consistent way to
extend the principle of decision analysis to group decisions. A different approach
was used in Keeney (2013), where each member of a decision-making group could have
a different decision frame for their common decision. Using the assumptions of decision
analysis for each member’s analysis of their group decision and using an analogous
set of decision analysis assumptions for the group decision to combine the member’s
decision analyses produced a group decision analysis model. This talk discusses the
concepts and intuitive logic for the model and practical aspects of applying it.
Keeney, R.L. (2013). Foundations for group decision analysis. Decision analysis, 10(2):
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